Decree of Appointment
This Royal Decree of Appointment is made this 25th Day of February in the year of 2000 by His Majesty Zachariah, King of KERGUELON, represented by his Head-of-State, His Excellency Keith George Harrison and the Royal Cabinet duly assembled in Southern California, United States of America on February 25th, 2000, do hereby nominate, appoint and constitute
His Excellency Nguyen Huu Chanh
Secretary General of the Government of Free Vietnam (GFVN) to be the
vested with the power and authority to act and transact independently within the Laws of the Kingdom in matters, things and deeds, especially to the physical and ecological infrastructure of KERGUELON; and with the concurrence of the Head of State: to appoint, promote, transfer and/or dismiss Cabinet members, Ambassadors and Consuls, appointed by the Prime Minister; to negotiate and agree upon, commit obligations and liabilities, sign, execute and enter into contracts and agreements -- in principle-- at his own discretion; to ask, demand, recover, receive and pay out all and any sums of money for the benefit of the Kingdom and of GFVN, debts, dues, merchandises and effects, due, payable or whichever may become due or payable to any countries or parties whoever, to carry out all acts and actions that the Prime Minister may think fit, deem expedient and necessary in the implementation of the power and authority given and vested unto him within the scope and intended purpose herein, to delegate, assign, transfer to, or authorize, appoint and remove Government Ministers, Ambassadors, Consuls, Chiefs of Departments, Special Forces, Agencies, Missions or Bureaus under him at his own discretion for, and on behalf of, in place and stead of the King with the full legal binding effect as if His Majesty the King were executing them himself, if personally present, especially to utilize the Assets generated by the GFVN herein to raise Equity Capital and credit the proceeds for the implementation of Humanitarian projects, large-scale construction and development of infrastructure, education training and human resources in KERGUELON and VIETNAM.
The authority and full power granted will not cease by reason of His Majesty the King’s loss of capacity to act, of health, or of life but will continue to remain unchanged, non-rescindable, non-suspendable, and be subsisting irrevocably in full force and effects, not confined or limited geographically, all of which His Majesty the King hereby ratify, and confirm, and undertake irrevocably to ratify and confirm any acts and actions by His Excellency the Prime Minister and ministers, ambassadors, consuls, chiefs or special representatives under him heretofore and hereafter done and performed by virtue of these presents and attest that – ALL conditions, matters and things have happened precedent to the creation and issuance of this DECREE and constituted it a valid obligation engaged by His Majesty the King in favor of His Excellency the Prime Minister have been done and performed conscientiously at His Majesty the King’s free will by voluntary acts and deeds.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Keith George Harrison,
DR. Jessica Brown, DD, Consul General
MR. James Armand Clayton, Secretary of Foreign Relations
MR. William Sanford Gadd, Solicitor General
MR. Bobby L. Moore, Minister of Finance
DR. David Bryan Agresta, Ambassador Plenipotentiary
MR. Randy Jenkins, JD., Minister of Trade & Commerce
have read thoroughly the entire content of this DECREE and have fully understood its true and correct meaning and certify and attest that – ALL the terms and conditions herein do fully comply to, and entirely consistent with the Kingdom’s objectives, purposes and intention in every respect, consequently set our hands on the 25th of February 2000.
This Appointment shall remain valid until the 31st Day of December of the year 2015, and shall remain valid in the event of the demise of His Majesty the King who will then be succeeded to the Throne by the Head-of-State. In the event of the demise of both the King and the Head-of-State, the succession to the Throne shall be acceded by the Prime Minister in charge, in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of KERGUELON.
In witness thereof, the Great Seal of the Kingdom of KERGUELON and the signatures of the Head-of-State and Ministers are herein affixed:
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered at the General Headquarters of the Government of Free Vietnam, in Garden Grove, California, United States of America:
Signed: _______________________________ Great Seal of the
Keith George Harrison Kingdom of Kerguelon
Signed: _______________________________
Jessica Brown
Signed: _______________________________
James Armand Clayton
Signed: _______________________________
William Sanford Gadd
Signed: _______________________________
Bobby L. Moore
Signed: _______________________________
David Bryan Agresta
Signed: _______________________________
Randy Jenkins
His Excellency Nguyen Huu Chanh
Secretary General, GFVN
Plans to save and
rebuild the nation
World citizen
Recognition and
Operation PEACE
Documents of
Documents of
the SEOUL Case
Documents of
International Treaties
Charter of the
Government of Free Vietnam

Policy on Religions
In accordance to:
- Charter of the Government of Free Vietnam on 30-04-1995, and the Amended Charter.
- Resolution to establish the Government of Free Vietnam.
- Resolution of the Executive Council, Government of Free Vietnam.
Article 1: The Government of Free Vietnam hereby proclaims its Religious Policy, as stated in the enclosed document.
Article 2: This Resolution shall be implemented by officials at all levels of the Government in their respective duties.
Article 3: This Resolution shall take effect on the signing date.
Indochina Frontier, 02-05-1998
Prime Minister
Nguyen Hoang Dan
Policy on Religions of the Government of Free Vietnam
I. Relations Between State and Religions
The Government of Free Vietnam (GFVN) fully respects religious freedoms for all people of Vietnam, and recognizes the unique sprititual role of religions in every society. The Government will provide the resources necessary for the protection of religious freedoms, and to preserve equality between all religions. The Government will not interfere in the internal affairs or spiritual aspects of any religion. On the other hand, it will not accept any form of political pressure from organized religions.
II. The Role of Religion in Society
A. Culture: The Government encourages and supports all religions in their contributions to the development of Vietnamese culture in the spirit of humanism. The Government will provide the best political conditions for all religions in their social and cultural activities. However, the Government will absolutely prohibit any attempt to use culture as a mean to provoke discrimination, suspicicion, or hatred between different religions. All violations will be punished under the law.
Religion has always been part of the foundation of Vietnamese culture. Therefore, the policy of the Government of Free Vietnam is "Religious Harmony," so that all religions will have an opportunity to contribute to the betterment of society in general.
B. Education: Every religion has the right to open its own private schools, academic or technical, at every level from elementary to college education, within the legal guidelines of the Ministry of Education.
Private religious schools have the right to offer religious teaching during a certain hours of the schoolday. The Government respects the contents of different religious classes, provided that they are not used to provoke prejudice or hatred toward other religions. Religious teaching also shall not interfere with the standard school hours as provided by the Ministry of Education.
C. Social and Humanitarian Works: The Government encourages and strongly supports all religions so that they can best carry out their activities and programs in this field.
III. Basic and Immediate Decisions of Government Regarding the Current Conditions of Religions in Vietnam
In order to help all religions readjust to their normal and lawful positions in a new society, the Government will immediately follow these policies:
A. Restoring the right of property ownership to religious institutions:
1. The Government will consider the lawful return of all property of religious institutions that had been confiscated under the Communist regime.
2. With respect to those cases where religious property had been occupied by or transfered to different owners under the Communist regime, the Government will resolve these disputes on a legal basis that should be fair and reasonable.
B. Restoring the Legal Integrity for Religious Institutions:
1. The Government will immediately dissolve the so-called "Religious Committees" that had been installed by the Communist regime at all levels of government. At the same time, it will restore the legal basis for all religious organizations that had been previously dissolved by the Communist regime.
2. Religious institutions will resume lawful control of their respective facilities.
IV. Prohibition of Anti-Religious or Discriminatory Publications:
In the spirit of religious harmony and national unity, and for the common goal of social stability:
- The Government will confiscate all publications that Communists, or Communists under the disguise of religion, had published for the purpose of provoking prejudice against religions.
- The Government will take strict actions to punish those elements, religious or non-religious, who use their freedoms of speech, the free media, and religious freedoms to publish materials to provoke conflicts between different religions, or conflicts against the people or the government.
V. Regarding International Religious Organizations:
The Government will encourage and support religious works and activities in Vietnam that are conducted by international churches and organizations. More specifically, governmental support will include:
1. Programs that send students abroad for higher education, as well as to help oversea Vietnamese communities.
2. Tax deductions for funding from overseas to support religious activities in Vietnam.
a3. Special assistance and easy access with respect to entry and immigration procedures for religious leaders, in order to provide an open environment for missionary and humanitarian works by all religions.
The Government of Free Vietnam will make further plans in the near future to support religious and humanitarian activities by all religions in Vietnam. The Government also welcomes ideas and policy inputs from members of all religions, so that religious policies for Vietnam would be in the spirit of harmony among religions, between religions and government, as well as between government and the people of Vietnam.
May 02, 1998